Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm betting on the White Plains Police Dept.

I have done several things since last Wednesday which I'm hoping will help.

First, on Thursday, I called Detective Martin. Once I reminded him of who I was, I told him that I felt that this woman was using the Police to harass me. I gave him the incident number and asked him if there was anything that he could do.

He was honest, which I appreciate. He told me that he would look into it but that he may not be able to prevent officers from meeting me in person to follow up future complaints. He explained that the person taking the complaint might not know that there was a history. Without knowing that, they would do what the officer I spoke to on Wednesday did, which is meet me in person. He also told me that the White Plains Detectives were involved in a big case and that he would be able to look into it until this week.

This morning I am sending a letter to the Chief of the White Plains Police Department, James Bradley. Although my letter to the MTA Police Chief went unanswered, I am more optomistic about the White Plains Police. I feel that I have been treated very fairly by them unlike the MTA Police who seemed to have decided that I was guilty before they even talked to me.

I have a friend who has a family member on the White Plains Police Department. I have asked him if I could talk to him, not as a Police Officer, but rather as someone who might be able to offer advice about how to proceed.

Finally, I talked to another friend who is a lawyer. He did some research and offered some helpful advice. I'm not sure if I'm at the stage yet where it is time to retain an attorney but I'm certainly close. We will see what comes from the measures I'm taking.

1 comment:

trader jim the camera man said...

Hi Jeff: I have two questions. Have you asked WPPD if this woman has any kind of record? I'm sure you're not the first person she's gone nutty on. Why not be proactive and investigate filing a restraining order against her? You never know what triggers mental illness. Maybe you look like someone who did something very bad to her. She is obviously a sick person and I am sure she doesn't only express it towards you. What a drag. Good luck. Love you MAN. Jim Reisman