Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm Feeling Very Uneasy

This morning she was on the platform again. As soon as I saw her I turned and went in the other direction and hoped that she didn't see me. I tried to put enough distance between us but I still spent most of the train ride wondering if the police were going to be there to greet me again.

I had material that I needed to read for a conference that I'm attending this week and I found that I couldn't concentrate on it because I kept wondering if she had seen me and if I was going to have another problem.

I also realized that it was humiliating to be met by the police yesterday. I found that I was feeling uneasy when I saw them in the station. This is not the way I want to feel about the police.

Finally, I am still angry that I'm the one that has to change his routine. The only person that was ever abusive in our encounters was her. I have only uttered a few words to her and they were always polite. Now I find myself having to worry about running into her. This just isn't fair but there doesn't seem to be a good course of action other than to do my best to avoid her.

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