Monday, April 14, 2008

Avoiding Her Can Be Difficult

She was on my train on the way home tonight. As soon as I saw her, I got up and moved to another car. I was a bit on edge since I didn't know if she saw me and if I might have another encounter with police this evening.

It is going to be difficult to avoid her completely. I don't know if she takes the same trains everyday. It isn't like I see her all the time but today I saw her both coming and going.

I resent having to be on edge about this. I have been advised to do my best to avoid her and I fully plan to but since she has a similar work schedule to mine and since she travels to and from the same train station, it might be difficult.

I don't like living under the fear that if I happen to not notice her somewhere, that the police might be waiting to escort me off of the train. What can I say? This isn't right!

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